A hypothetical point in the center of Black-Hole consisting of Infinite Density, Mass, And Gravity. In that point, Gravity is so powerful that even light can't escape. This point will curve the Spacetime so much that it may even create a Wormhole or a Rosen-Einstein Bridge.
Some Thoughts
Think about two completely different universe parallel to each other (think of it like a sandwich but with some distance between the breads.). If in a point 'A' in universe 1 has a massive Black hole that curves the SpaceTime so much that the curve penetrates the spacetime fabric of universe 2 at Point 'B'. The point 'B' will become the anti Black-Hole 9popularly known as White-Hole) which throws out everything into universe 2. It can create a bridge between the 2 universes. But, sadly nothing will come out in good shape after it travelled through it, until and unless it has tolerence for infinite Tension.